Mafraj Radio #29: America at war — Yemen Peace Project

Mafraj Radio #29: America at war

Welcome to the long-awaited fourth season of Mafraj Radio, the official podcast of the Yemen Peace Project. On this episode we discuss America’s role in Yemen’s civil war, and the Trump administration’s efforts to block citizens of Yemen and five other nations from entering the United States. And we’ll meet one of the many Yemeni immigrants who call America home.

Mafraj Radio #29: America at war
The Yemen Peace Project

Here's the full video of UN Undersecretary-General Stephen O'Brien's address to the UN Security Council on Yemen and other famine situations. 

Read Katherine Zimmerman's recent article on the Critical Threats website.

Find some of the resources for lawyers mentioned by Sara Elizabeth Dill below:

Mafraj Radio is the world's only podcast dedicated to Yemeni and Yemen-American affairs. It takes a lot of time and effort to make, so please help us keep Mafraj Radio on the air!
